Did you know that seeing your dentist on a regular basis for cleanings could help you become aware of a potential health issue?  Oral health provides clues to your overall health. Studies have shown that your mouth can provide early warning signs for more than 90% of all systemic diseases, diseases that affect a number of organs or tissues, or your body as a whole. By a simple visit to your dentist every six months for your bi-annual cleaning, you could either prevent, or become aware of potential life-threatening illnesses such as heart disease.
Your dentist will look for signs of gum disease, and upon treating, or working to prevent this illness, can help patients lower their risk by prescribing ways to prevent the disease from fully developing or evolving to another illness. According to the Academy of General Dentistry (AGD), more than 80% of Americans are battling gum disease, making the need for ongoing dental care even more important now than ever. Are you next? Warning signs of gum disease that you should be on the lookout for:
  • Red, tender or swollen gums
  • Bleeding gums while brushing or flossing
  • Gums that seem to be pulling away from your teeth
  • Chronic bad breath or a bad taste in your mouth
  • Teeth that are loose or are separating from each other
Those who already being treated for gum disease or who are working with their dentists to prevent the disease, are taking steps in the right direction for overall good health.

If there’s one thing that can ruin the most romantic holiday of the year, it’s bad breath. In a recent Match.com survey, 45 percent of the 5,000 singles polled listed fresh breath as the most important consideration when prepping for a date and both women (71 percent) and men (58 percent) said that teeth matter most when scrutinizing a potential match.

Whether you’re married or single… going on a first-date or celebrating your 25th Valentine’s Day together, you don’t want bad breath to become a major embarrassment if you’re snuggling up to your sweetie and he or she asks you what you had for lunch. And you definitely don’t want to have your significant other give you breath mints as a gift like this famous celebrity couple.

Most of these ideas won’t be new to you, but if you want to be kissable this Valentine’s Day, here’s what you should do:

Before the Date

  • Brush your teeth -- and tongue -- before your date
  • Floss in the morning and before your date to remove any food that might be stuck in your teeth.
  • Kill all existing germs in your mouth with mouthwash
  • Eat yogurt or dairy-based food for breakfast to replenish good bacteria in your gut. 

During Dinner

  • Order a “breath-friendly” foods. If you need ideas, our Facebook Page has several head-to-toe healthy foods to choose from.
  • Avoid foods that cause bad breath such as garlic and onions.
  • Drink lots of water along with your other beverages during dinner.
  • If you left the mints at home, gnaw on a garnish. The herbs that garnish your dinner plate can help to neutralize bad breath caused by sulfides given off by the bacteria in dental plaque.
  • When the dessert menu comes your way, steer clear of that chocolate cake and instead look for a dessert full of berries, oranges or apples, which will strengthen your breath by increasing saliva production
  • If you can skip the coffee, sip lemon tea. Lemons can do wonders at neutralizing bad breath!
  • Bring a toothpick or flosser and head to the bathroom and make sure there’s nothing between your teeth after you eat, and rinse your mouth out with water.
  • Just in case… bring a travel toothbrush & excuse yourself to the restroom.

After Dinner

  • Reduce upset stomachs to ease bad breath, especially if you suffer from acid-reflux.
  • Chew gum with xylitol to banish bad breath after dinner & dessert.

In the same way preventative maintenance is the best way to avoid major car problems, taking care of your teeth could save you a lot of headaches (and toothaches) this year.

Here are some of the most common dental problems we see (and how to avoid them):

1. Gum Disease

Gum disease is typically caused by three factors: bad oral hygiene, smoking and genetic susceptibility. Periodontitis, whose symptoms can include constant bad breath, swollen or bleeding gums and loose or sensitive teeth is the more severe form of gum disease and can put you at greater risk for heart attack or stroke. Practicing good dental habits and making wise food choices are good prevention strategies, but if you already have gum disease, here’s a pain-free option to solving your problem.

2. Mouth Sores

The most common type of mouth sore is canker sores. Canker sores are non-virus based and caused by everything from stress to genetics, and typically take about 12 days to run their course. If you, or someone you know, has canker sores, you know how annoying and painful they can be. Fixing this issue has never been easier.

4. Tooth Decay (Cavities)

Tooth decay is caused by bacteria in the mouth being left alone and given time to cause damage. Bacteria feasts on sugar and starch remnants left on and between our teeth. Good oral hygiene is your best bet on prevention, and parents should be particularly mindful, as cavities most often occur in kids. Once a cavity has formed, however, there are easy treatment options.

5. Enamel Erosion

Acid on the enamel of your teeth causes erosion. As the enamel is worn away, bacteria can then attack, leading to tooth decay. To prevent this, be sure to drink lots of water, cut down on acidic drinks and foods, and chew sugarless gum with xylitol. Here are some other great tips to avoid enamel erosion and keep your teeth white throughout the year.

With 2014 officially upon us, many Nashvillians have kicked off their New Year’s resolutions. While people know eating right, tossing the smokes and exercising are all part of leading a healthier lifestyle, most are not aware of the overall health benefits of taking care of their teeth.

Here are 3 common resolutions that also help you take care of your teeth:

Eat a healthy, balanced diet. A poor diet that consists of sugary treats and fast food can result in premature loss of tooth enamel, resulting in a weaker tooth structure. Due to this, it is especially important that you try to maintain a healthy diet. On the other hand, fruits and vegetables are full of valuable antioxidants and nutrients that help your body – and your mouth – fight off bacteria and infection. If you want more ideas about healthy foods that help your teeth, check out our “Head to Toe Healthy Food Choice” on Facebook.

Quit Smoking. This is another common resolution most people make during the New Year. As we all know, the effects of smoking can lead to serious health complications, including gum disease, bone loss, and oral cancer. While the impact it has in improving your long-term health is widely known, what you may not know is how it can benefit your teeth. Smokers are twice as likely to lose their teeth as non-smokers.

Give up carbonated beverages. Many people resolve to drink the recommended eight glasses a day of water each year.  Eight or more glasses a day leads to feeling better and can is beneficial to your mouth as it cleans your teeth. For example, if you drink a glass of wine and follow with water, the wine has less time to sit and stain your teeth.  In addition to that, the fluoride in most tap water fights cavities. Drinking water will not only improve your overall health, but also improve your oral health.

We hope everyone has a happy and healthy 2014 and we wish you all the best achieving your goals!

What are some of your New Year’s resolutions for 2014?

Last month we hosted our 2nd Annual Downtown Food Drive for Second Harvest Food Bank of Middle Tennessee. And we were blown away by the way you responded!

We were overwhelmed by the compassion you showed and we are so grateful for everyone who donated or helped collect food for those in need. We’re truly inspired by your generosity. YOU donated 1196 food items! That's nearly 100 items more than we received last year. Thank you to our patients and other downtown residents and business professionals who came together to help feed familiies across Middle Tennessee this holiday season!

How you can continue to give back this holiday season

While the food you collected will help feed hundreds of families, the need is still great….

  • There are 103,000 people in Davidson County who classify as food insecure according to Second Harvest.
  • 1 in 6 Tennesseans will struggle with hunger this Holiday season.
  • 1 in 4 children are at risk of suffering from hunger, especially during the break from school.
  • Over 395,000 people in Middle Tennessee who don’t know where their next meal is coming from, much less what they’re going to eat for their holiday meals.

Whether you missed the food drive or you’re looking for ways to continue to give back this holiday season, here are a few simple ways you can provide food to those in need this holiday season:

  • Second Harvest has created some really cool ways for you to continue to give back this Holiday season. One way you can continue to help Second Harvest is by donating your lose change to help them fight hunger. Another simple way to help is to volunteer to help assist with the preparation, serving, and clean up at their First Harvest Café.  
  • The Nashville Food Project is another incredible organization helping to fight hunger in our city. Whether you enjoy growing food in a garden or preparing home-cooked meals, they provide several opportunities for you to use your skills and love of food to help those in need.
  • Community Food Advocates is an organization that was created in 2009 to address the root causes of hunger and poverty, and Food Security Partners of Middle Tennessee. Located in East Nashville, the organization is doing incredible things to help those affected by recent reduction in food stamp benefits and there are numerous ways for you to help out.

These are just a few of the incredible ways you can help to bring a smile to someone in need this holiday season, but they’re definitely not the only ways to give back.

What are some other ways that you enjoy giving back here in Nashville during the holidays?

Last week we launched our 2nd Annual Food Drive for Second Harvest Food Bank of Middle Tennessee. The donations have already started to pour in….

 Give a little. Receive a little…

While they say it’s better to give than to receive, we wanted to find a way to help you do both…. Because we’re so inspired by the generosity of our patients and other downtown residents and employees, we want to celebrate when you give. We are once again going to be offering FREE custom teeth whitening* for anyone that bring 15 non-perishable food products.  If you already have your teeth whitening kit, you can bring in 10 non-perishable food items for a complimentary tube of our prescription-strength whitening bleach (22% hydrogen peroxide strength).

 2 easy steps to whiten your smile while giving back this Holiday

If you want to take advantage of our offer, all you need to do is: 1)     Bring in food items during the month of November. 2)     Schedule an appointment to have custom fit trays made if you donate 15 items and want to receive a free teeth-whitening kit. We hope you’ll join us in helping to make other Middle Tennesseans smile this Holiday season. As we continue to help our patients stay healthy from head to toe, we look forward to partnering with you as we pass that opportunity onto the hundreds of thousands of other Middle Tennesseans who might not have that opportunity otherwise. If you have any questions, feel free to contact our office at 615-254-1393!
*Note: In order to assure there are no contraindications to the procedure, patients must have had a recent cleaning and exam before Downtown Dental can fabricate custom bleaching trays and prescribe prescription strength bleach.
Downtown Dental Banner AdOne of things we love most at Downtown Dental is joining our patients and other downtown residents and employees to give back to our community. Last year, we teamed up with Barbieri Orthodontics to support the Second Harvest Food Bank of Middle Tennessee and help fight the battle of hunger in Tennessee. We were blown away by the way you responded! Downtown Nashville residents and employees donated more than 1,000 items and our office was overflowing with donations. Because of your overwhelming generosity, we believe that together we can make even more of an impact this year! Because we’re so inspired by the generosity of our patients and other downtown residents and employees, we want to celebrate by giving away a FREE custom teeth whitening kit. Patients who donate 15 food items will receive a custom teeth-whitening kit, including bleaching trays. If you already have a custom teeth whitening, you can donate 10 food items and receive a free tube of prescription-strength whitening bleach.

The Need is Still Overwhelming

While Second Harvest has done incredible things to provide food to those in need in our community, the need is still greater today than ever before…
  • There are over 395,000 people in Middle Tennessee who don’t know where their next meal is coming from
  • 1 in 6 Tennesseans struggle with hunger
  • 1 in 4 children in Tennessee are at risk of suffering from hunger
  • 30% of people that receive food from Second Harvest have to choose between food and paying their rent, utilities, or medical bills on a regular basis.
(Source: http://ow.ly/q72e5)

How we can come together to help

Downtown Dental will be collecting food for Second Harvest during the entire month of November (you can see a list of their most need items here). We’re collecting donations whenever our doors are open so you can stop by before work, during your lunch break, or before you head home! Here are a few easy ways you can join the fight against hunger in Middle Tennessee:
  • Grab 10 cans of food from your pantry and bring them with you to work tomorrow.
  • Look for sales in the weekly newspaper on nonperishable food items. Who doesn’t like getting the most bang for their buck?
  • Buy a box of pasta noodles and bring them to your next dental appointment.
  • Pick out your favorite cereal and purchase it for that family in need.

What next?

It’s simple: 1.  Bring food items to Downtown Dental during the month of November. 2. Schedule an appointment to have custom fit trays made if you donate 15 items and want to receive a brighter smile for the holidays.
*Note: A recent exam and cleaning is required for safety precautions and to assure there are no contraindications to the procedure. 
We realize there are dozens of worthy organizations that you can support during the Holiday season so feel free to bring as many items as you’d like. Every bit makes a difference in the life of someone in our community. If you have any questions, feel free to contact our office at 615-254-1393.
Fall sports season is in full swing here in Nashville. The Titans are making Nashville proud across the river at LP field. The Predators have returned to Smashville. And little league and high school sports are keeping families busy each weekend. While we love the excitement and joy fall sports bring, we’ve also seen how they can quickly lead to injuries or broken teeth that no one smiles about (unless you wear it as a badge of pride like a hockey player). Whether you or your little one are hitting the field this weekend, here are a few simple ways to protect your teeth and avoid any pain or embarrassment: 1. Use a mouthguard that fits. The best way to keep your teeth safe while playing sports is to wear a mouthguard that fits properly. A good quality mouthguard that fits, not only protects your teeth, but also protects your cheeks and gums. Here’s a list of options if you’re looking for a mouthguard that will effectively protect your teeth. It’s equally important to consistently clean your mouthguard to prevent plaque build up. 2. Proper face protection should always be worn during higher contact sports. More elaborate protective equipment is recommended for sports such as football, baseball, hockey, wrestling, boxing, and lacrosse. If you’re a parent, you know how challenging it can be to encourage kids to always wear the proper protection, but doing so can prevent serious damage to their teeth.

How to treat a broken or lost tooth:

Despite our best intentions to prevent injuries, there will always be instances when people break or lose teeth. If you aren’t wearing protection and have a tooth knocked out, there are still ways to save your tooth. Sometimes a knocked out tooth can be re-implanted in the mouth if the conditions are right. If only a portion of the tooth is chipped, our cosmetic bonding procedure can quickly help correct the problem and have you smiling again. If the problem is more serious and you’ve lost a tooth, we can help you solve that issue too. For children who have a baby tooth knocked out, it shouldn’t be re-implanted as this can harm the permanent tooth bud that is still being formed. This means you should not try to put the tooth back in and instead, should seek advice from a dentist or a physician if there are other injuries. The best thing you can do to prevent long-term damage to your teeth after a sports injury is to be prepared. Our offices open early at 7:00 am on Monday to help you with any injuries that may have occurred over the weekend. If you or your child experiences a dental injury, you can contact us as soon as possible and we’ll do everything we can to help solve the issue.
It’s widely known that October is breast cancer awareness month. Over the past few years, our country has done an incredible job increasing awareness about the disease and coming together to support the millions of women who have undergone treatment. Virtually everyone knows someone who has had to take on the trying and brutal battle against cancer. That person may have been your mother, father, sister, wife, or even yourself. While most people know the effects that chemotherapy and radiation can have on a person’s hair, eyebrows, and physical appearance, what most people don’t realize is the effect it can have on teeth and gums as well. As soon as radiation or chemotherapy treatments start, oral health is immediately affected. ·      The mouth becomes drier, causing the teeth to become more susceptible to decay. ·      Gum recession and mouth sores start occurring. ·      Patients may have difficulty eating, drinking and swallowing. These are the most common side effects of chemotherapy on your mouth. How to prevent and treat dental damage during chemotherapy Patients battling cancer often times find themselves dealing with other health issues that are side effects of their treatment.  Here are a few ways to keep chemotherapy from affecting your teeth during treatment: 1.     Visit your dentist BEFORE you start chemotherapy. This is the best way to avoid any serious issues. If you go to the dentist before chemotherapy begins, you can help prevent serious mouth problems. Side effects often happen because a person’s mouth is not healthy before chemotherapy starts. Not all mouth problems can be avoided but the fewer side effects you have, the more likely you will stay on your cancer treatment schedule. 2.     Learn how to properly care for your teeth during chemo. If you’ve started chemotherapy before going to the dentist, it’s important to see one as soon as possible. Your dentist will be able to check and clean your teeth and show you how to take care of your mouth and prevent any side effects. 3.     Be honest with your doctor and dentist during treatment. Some onchologist may discourage dental hygiene appointments because he side effects of a dental cleaning can increase the bacteria levels in the bloodstream. However, there are ways to take care of your teeth without negatively impacting your health. The best thing to do is to be open and honest with your doctor and dentist. It might be that you need to check your platelet counts before going to the dentist. Your dentist also needs to be informed of any major changes to your health before your check up. At Downtown Dental, we care about the health of our patients from head to toe. We want to do everything we can to ensure our patients are living healthy, vibrant lives. Our support goes out to all those who have fought or been effected by cancer and our hope is that we can help you in any way possible.
They said it couldn’t happen, but it did! A FUN trip to the dentist was had by all as more than 100 people attended our Inaugural BE WELL Party last Thursday. Guests enjoyed live entertainment from Josh Roberts and visited healthy local vendors while enjoying wraps from Wrapper’s DeLight, and a little beer and wine, from Midtown Wine & Spirits and Yazoo. Two lucky guests even went home with a new iPad Mini, compliments of Dr. Daron Clark and his staff at Downtown Dental.IMG_0195 copyIMG_0194 copy“Our goal for this event was to show downtown residents and business professionals that they are surrounded by many healthy solutions in Nashville, said Daron Clark, DMD, Owner of Downtown Dental. “Whether you need medical care, dental care, or even a massage or new running shoes, you can get all of this in walking distance from your home or office.”IMG_0189 copyGuests enjoyed free massages from Jules Massage, free B-12 shots from 3rd & Church Healthcare, discounts from Nashville Running Company and Nashville B Cycle, and instruction and offers from Kali Yuga Yoga.IMG_0188 copyThey also received information on the latest in dentistry as Downtown Dental unveiled their new Waterlase iPlus Laser, that enables Dr. Clark to provide pain-free dental care.SS2You can schedule an appointment or call our office today to learn more about how our laser dentistry option can make your next trip to the dentist more enjoyable than you ever thought possible.